A New Beginning

For close to a decade, I dedicated myself to building out Grafana Labs and subsequently took some personal time to recharge. I came out of these experiences as a different person, and am ready to share a few things I learned.

First step is bringing my abandoned blog back to life:

  • Rewrote the about/bio and projects pages
  • Switched from lighttpd to Caddy (automagic https! wow!)
  • Enabled Google Cloud CDN
  • Switched from Google Analytics to the open source PostHog
  • Tried CloudFlare Turnstile for comment spam prevention, but it’s quite complicated and has un-googleable error codes, so i switched to something more simplistic
  • Upgraded hugo from 0.15 to 0.122 with very few breaking changes (!) and found a nice new minimalist theme
  • I took more care than probably necessary to avoid accidental republishing of articles in RSS feeds, since that’s such an easy mistake to happen with rss GUID’s.

I don’t know who still reads this blog, but if you do, stay tuned for more!

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